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I have owned an independent health food store since 2001.  It is my passion to be able to help people feel their best and live a healthy lifestyle.  Through my years of experience and training I can help you achieve a healthy lifestyle naturally, not only with proper supplements and whole foods but also with assisting you in your healing journey with Focused Intention Technique Energy Healing and also as an Angel Empowerment Practitioner (AEP) by providing card readings with messages for making integral life changing changes in the NOW.  I believe finding the energy healing modality that resonates with you is the key to soaring to living your greatest life with grace and ease.


In 2006 I started started my healing journey and experienced the amazing healing modality Focus Intention Technique (FIT).  After experiencing the deep inner healing that came about with FIT sessions I knew knew that she wanted to become a practitioner and share the modality with as many people as she could.   After continual healing and personal practice with FIT over the course of 3 years I felt more than ready to become a FIT practitioner and have been helping clients heal their spirit and soul since 2010.  The healing process is so amazing; You will learn to listen to your body’s wisdom and eliminate painful feelings and limited beliefs that hold you back from being your true amazing self.  Best of all you will get to the core reason you have daily  negative emotions or triggers that cause stress and anxiety in your daily life and break through them.   Through my teachings and energy healing sessions you will learn to LOVE yourself, remove negative thoughts and replace with positive ones, find gratitude for life.  FIT also teaches you how to listen to your bodies wisdom and to become aware of the messages it provides; to work through them with grace and ease.  The thing I also find so empowering is that you will have the 11 steps of Focused Intention Technique in your life's tool box to use whenever the need arises.  Using the FIT process in your daily life will get you on track to living the life of your dreams in no time.


Learning to remove limited beliefs, negative thoughts and feelings from your heart, mind and soul will allow room for positive thoughts and feelings to nurture your whole being. When you add loving yourself unconditionally,  feeling gratitude in every day and practicing forgiveness incredible opportunities open up for you. Loving yourself will raise your self esteem to inspirational levels creating positive energy that you will bring with you every day. Your positive vibration with your presence will become contagious to others. It is wonderful to see other people change and become happier because of you. By instilling self love you will see how easy it is to resist all negative comments. Negative energy from others will no longer make you anxious or uncomfortable they way it may now. You will be able to deal with life's storms on a day-to-day basis with more grace and ease.


I was amazed and grateful how focused intention technique helped me through the biggest storm of my life. I was able to deal with negative emotions as they came up as we went through the process of having everything we worked for taken away due to an undermining and cruel business partner. A pivotal point for me during my storm was when I felt absolutely no hatred or anger in the pit of my stomach and was truly amazed to be compelled to send thoughts of compassion and future peace for this person. Don’t get me wrong it was still a very difficult time in my life but I was able to get through it with my head held high and love in my heart by using my forever tools of “Focused Intention Technique” and feeling gratitude every day and for everything I had that really held meaning.  


Soon after experiencing the biggest storm in my life I had a new realization that GREATNESS CAN BE ACHIEVED WITH LESS.   


Your triggers of anxiety, fear, anger, hatred, doubt, resistance, insecurity, unworthiness and anything else holding you back from stepping into your greatest life can all be reversed into positive feelings and knowingness that you are worthy of all good things. You will find yourself living life with grace and ease with complete love and peace in your heart.


It is my passion to help you live life from heart centered consciousness and release the amazing & incredible Unlimited You greatness from within!  It was through my healing journey that I came to realize not only my passion but also my purpose from deep within my soul which is to be a part of the movement to heal the world one person at a time. 


The time is NOW to live your life with unconditional love and pure joy!


I integrate my personal life experiences, natural intuition and holistic approach to healing in my personalized sessions and workshops to provide an incredible life changing experience for you.  I will ensure you have the tools you need to awaken and embrace your greatest life with the knowingness of gratitude, love, peace and joy.  I will provide life coaching and encourage you to find the lessons and messages from experiencing storms in their life. 


I believe the key to your healing journey and to achieving your greatest life is to trust that you are able to take that step through your fears, anxiety, anger, resentments, procrastinations etc. and rejoice in your daily life with compassion, vitality, peace, joy, love, harmony, enthusiasm, empowerment, vision and reach all of your goals!   I am excited to share my energy healing skills through Focused Intention Technique, Life Empowerment Coaching and Angel Empowerment Card Readings to set your soaring to your greatest life with pure love, joy and peace in your heart.


I always had a love and passion for the power of using our angel realm and listening to our intuition as a powerful guide to stay or get back on the path to our highest good.  I have a keen intuition but was intrigued and excited to raise and ignite my natural abilities and when I met Cindy Smith I knew I was on the right path for achieving that.  I became a certified angel empowerment practitioner in 2011.


My husband and I have 6 children in total (3 his and 3 mine) and 6 incredible grandchildren so far.  My passion and love for children along with the guidance from the universe paved the way for my Powerful ME Kids Empowerment Workshops.   These are so amazing and powerful for kids.   


In 2022, after 20 years of owning a health store, I sold it and we moved to Plamondon, AB to a beautiful acreage house on the lake where built a mini home to nest our HARMONIC EGG - ELLIPSE  an incredible light, color & sound vibration energy healing chamber.

My Background

A Healing Journey

Ready to transform your life?

How can I help?

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Vibrational Miracles
Harmonic Healing 

68142 - RR 162 #112
Plamondon, AB


CELL:  780-340-6708 (TEXT OR CALL)


Lac La Biche County & area
 Lake & area
Boyle & area
Athabasca & area 
Kikino & Buffalo Lake area
Bonnyville & area
Cold Lake & area 


The statements made or services provided through this website, or by the Company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials regarding the technology are voluntarily given and do not represent the opinions of the Company. The services provided by the Company are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

© 2020 Franni Welter | Intuitively Designed By                        with Jodie Jaimes

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